Unified Constituent Relationship Management
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln utilizes Salesforce , TargetX and Student Success Hub (SSH) to support recruitment, communications, and student success.

Beginning in May 2022 UNL implemented Salesforce/TargetX—a widely used CRM in higher education—to support recruitment efforts. Salesforce’s Student Success Hub is launching in January 2023 to support retention and student success.
CRM is powered by Salesforce.org through an Enterprise License Agreement at the NU system level. We will use Salesforce to maintain CRM data, including constituent contacts, constituent relationships with the university and interactions between those constituents and any part of the university.
Direct benefits from the CRM implementation project:
- Modernize CRM solutions to drive enrollment and retention.
- Provide more seamless access to student data across recruitment and retention.
- Implement the technical and operational foundations for CRM functions moving forward, including external stakeholder management and full student lifecycle management.
CRM Project Teams
UNL’s CRM implementation has support from the executive level, both on campus and with University of Nebraska Central Administration. See the leaders responsible for CRM implementation.
CRM Project Scope and Timeline
UNL’s CRM implementation has support from the executive level, both on campus and with University of Nebraska Central Administration. See the leaders responsible for CRM implementation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to the most commonly asked questions about CRM implementation.
CRM Contacts
Our goal is to successfully implement Salesforce/TargetX for recruitment and retention at UNL. See project leader contact information.